Zimbabwe Water & Wilderness

This 6 night fly-in safari visits two of the scenic highlights of Zimbabwe – Hwange and Mana Pools National Parks. Add which-ever lodge you wish in Victoria Falls and perhaps also add a 3 night extension to the Matobo Hills...

6 Nights


₤ 3,743 (PPS)


This 6 night fly-in Zimbabwe Water & Wilderness safari visits two of the scenic highlights of ZimbabweHwange and Mana Pools National Parks.

Hwange National Park is Zimbabwe’s largest and oldest game park ranging over an area of 14,600 km². Its sheer size means that it offers a range of vegetation with a resulting diversity of game. This ranges, from the dry southern acacia bush bordering the Kalahari Desert to the mopane woodlands, valleys and granite hills characteristic of the north. Hwange is certainly big game country with massive herds of elephants.

Mana Pools National Park offers a stunning water and wildlife combination. The focal point of any Mana pools safari is the magical Zambezi River: its islands, the surrounding flood plains and the gorgeous forests of mahogany, wild fig, ebony and baobab trees. It is renowned for its large numbers of elephant, buffalo, hippo, crocodile, and eland. They concentrate along the river when the inland waterholes dry up, especially in the dry winter months.

This safari is a perfect combination of the best highlights Zimbabwe offers!

Zimbabwe Water & Wilderness at a Glance:

  • 3 nights Somaliso Expeditions, Hwange National Park, Fully Inclusive
  • 3 nights Kanga Lodge, Mana Pools National Park, Fully Inclusive

Note: Most Mana Pools camps are only open between April and October. So we need to substitute camps. We only show one price in December as only Nyamatusi Camp stays open (at a very reasonable price.)

Tailor-make this itinerary

We have deliberately left out Victoria Falls so that you can choose how long and where you wish to stay. You can also change where you stay as we have a choice of lodges in both Hwange and Mana Pools at different price points. (So you can reduce the budget slightly by using more moderate camps such as The Hide and Ingwe Pans or similar.)

The Base option is based on Kanga Lodge in Mana Pools and Somalisa Expeditions camp in Hwange.  (Note: Why not add a night to this option so that you can have 2 nights at Zambezi Expeditions on the river at Mana Pools and 2 nights at Kanga Camp. )

The upgrade option is based on Somaliso Camp in Hwange and Nyamatusi Camp in the Mana Pools. This is similar, though not identical, to the price for Wilderness Camps. Ask us for a quote for those instead.

Optional Extension to Matobo Hills:

We also recommend adding on our extension to Matobo Hills National Park at the start or end of the Zimbabwe Water & Wilderness fly-in safari. It is only a 3 hour drive from Hwange to Matobo Hills. And it provides a great scenic contrast. Contact us to discuss this option.

Tour Video

Zimbabwe Water & Wilderness at a glance

PRICE FROM ₤ 3,743 (PPS)

Mari Jacobs

Africa Travel Specialist

Hi I'm Mari, I'm here to help you plan your ideal holiday experience

An idea of price

All our itineraries are merely samples of what we can arrange. Virtually every trip is tailor-made for you. The exact price of our sample itineraries depends on the time of year and accommodation used. This is merely a guideline.

It excludes regional flights to the start and end of the itinerary (as these may vary depending on where you fly into Africa). But it includes an estimate of any flights WITHIN the itinerary. Contact us for a quote including any regional flights needed.

Pared Back
if you need to save
Average Of
₤ 5,294
Uses The Hide in Hwange and Mana River Camp or similar in Mana Pools
This Itinerary
as outlined above
Average Of
₤ 5,294
Uses Somalisa Expeditions in Hwange and Kanga Camp in Mana Pools
Red Carpet
all the bells & whistles
Average Of
₤ 6,699
Uses Somalisa Camp in Hwange and Nyamatusi Camp in Mana Pools
Pared Back
if you need to save
Average Of
₤ 3,896
Uses The Hide in Hwange and Mana River Camp or similar in Mana Pools
This Itinerary
as outlined above
Average Of
₤ 4,127
Uses Somalisa Expeditions in Hwange and Kanga Camp in Mana Pools
Red Carpet
all the bells & whistles
Average Of
₤ 4,741
Uses Somalisa Camp in Hwange and Nyamatusi Camp in Mana Pools
Pared Back
if you need to save
Average Of
₤ 3,743
Uses The Hide in Hwange and Mana River Camp or similar in Mana Pools
This Itinerary
as outlined above
Average Of
₤ 3,743
Uses Somalisa Expeditions in Hwange and Kanga Camp in Mana Pools
Red Carpet
all the bells & whistles
Average Of
₤ 3,743
Uses Somalisa Camp in Hwange and Nyamatusi Camp in Mana Pools


Accommodation, all meals, charter flights and 4x4 road transfers between lodges, services of experienced ranger whilst on safari.


International flights, visas, items of a personal nature, meals not specified